Cape Tennis Courts



What is the normal soccer field size?
In general, soccer field dimensions vary depending on the level of play and governing body. The optimum soccer field size is 75 yards wide by 120 yards long. But soccer fields can vary between 65-80 yards wide and 110-120 yards long.

What is the normal soccer goal post size?
They are square, rectangular, round or elliptical in shape and are not dangerous to players. The distance between the posts is 7.320m and the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is 2.44m. Both goalposts and the crossbar have the same width and depth of 12cm.

  • Width: 45-90 m
  • Length: 90-120 m
  • Center Circle (Radius): 9.15 m
  • Goal Area: 5.5 m from goal edge, 5.5 m from front
  • Penalty Area: 16.5 m from goal edge, 16.5 m from front
  • Penalty Mark: 11 m centered from goal
    Penalty Arc: 9.15 m from penalty mark
  • Corners (Radius): 0.9 m
  • Materials: Grass, artificial turf, dirt